Update: Update: GSLS Bowling
Due to the Corona measures, this activity has been canceled for now. We'll find a new date and let you know as soon as this is possible again.

Update: GSLS Bowling
Due to the Corona measures, this activity has been moved to Januari 14th 20:45-22:00. Had you already signed up, but are you no longer able to join? Please notify us via vicevoorzitter@ubv.info.
Interested in beating your fellow Graduate School of Life Science students in a game of bowling? On the 14th of Januari, U.L.S.V. Amino, M.B.V. Mebiose, and UBV will be joining forces again to offer all GSLS master students an evening of bowling! Don’t forget to sign up quickly, as there are limited spots available!
With the new corona regulations, we are not guaranteed that the activity will take place but we will give you an update as soon as possible.
We hope to see you all in the bowling alley!
Who: GSLS students
What: Bowling
Where: Bowling Mitland Utrecht
When: Friday, January 14th, 20:45-22:00
Sign-up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjERGVE1XcXKARclVYVz6ugpVdDIe7mTZ7lbGIwl4QB3A07Q/viewform?usp=sf_link