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Dear members,

The first weeks of the new school year are already over and we hope you got through it well. During the COVID pandemic, Amino continues to run at full speed with the coolest activities. The flunkyball tournament was a resounding success and we hope to see you all at one of the activities as soon as possible. Come to “de SKAfscheid” and say goodbye to the III board on 23-09-2020. Or show your fellow students that you are the very best detective at “The Amino Code” on 22-09-2020!

During the epidemic we are still allowed to perform (physical) activities and we owe this all to our great committees. If you want to help with this too, register quickly! The deadline for committee registrations is 23-09-2020, 23:59.

Lots of love,

The III board and candidate board of U.L.S.V. Amino
Robin, Jip, Mertcan, Inge, Sacha, Nial, Donna en Erik, Diederik, Bas, Anna, Laurens and Myrthe.