Semi-Annual General Assembly of Members!

Last week, at the 8th of February, we had our sGAM at the Pangea in KBG. During the sGAM, we discussed very important matters of the association, all while enjoying some bingo, drinking some beverages, and telling Maira and Max that they needed to keep their safety helm on all the time! To end the evening, we had some nice questions and motions from the assembly, as a motion passed for Amino to buy a (in dutch) ‘Flip de beer’ for committees and taskforce members, and Auke had to answer why he looked like a bus driver. After all of our hard work, we went to a borrel at the Cambridge bar with the drinks on us! For those who attended, we hoped you enjoyed it as much as we did, and for those who may have gotten FOMG (fear of missing GAMs) after reading this message, don’t worry, you can come to the iGAM in May!